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The Dreamer's Breath


1-2-1 sessions on zoom




The Dreamer’s Breath pathway is an online deep dive journey into Dreaming and Breathing . 

A or series of sessions, are a  unique combination of Dreamwork, Conscious Connected Breathwork,  Self- Inquiry, a variety of healing arts  and creative arts practices, woven together in one big exotic caboodle! 


It can be held in the form of a group journey, or as a one to one journey online.



Why might I choose to embark upon  'The Dreamer's Breath' Journey?


Do you ever wonder if there are hidden messages of healing and transformation within the experiences of your night-time dreaming? Do you ever feel a bit ‘stuck’ like there is something you need to change in your life, but are not exactly sure what it is or how you can change it? 


The Dreamer’s Breath is a unique online exploration into the transformative process of working with the power of your breath, combining the somatic practice of Conscious Connected Breathwork with  Self-Interpretive Dreamwork. 


It is designed to empower you, the dreamer and the breather with the tools  to begin to decode the hidden language of your own soul through  dynamic breathing practices and creative inquiry, which supports the release and transformation of 'old stories' into embodied wisdom and creates the space for you to write the next chapter of  your waking life in new and inspiring ways. 


Conscious Connected Breathwork


Conscious Connected Breathwork is a trauma informed somatic breathing practice, which helps the body mind and spirit to process  and release limiting emotional behavioural patterns and re-calibrate the nervous system to support integration, self-healing and transformation. 


The breathwork facilitator  invites the breather to drop down, and listen in to the breath, whilst listening to specifically selected musical playlist, in order to be able to connect with the intuitive 'felt sense'  level of awareness within the body.


The breath and the body have their own wisdom, and the breathwork session, becomes a safe container for letting go of what is no longer useful on an energetic level, in the divine order of things, to make space for something new.  


The breath has its own intelligence, It can be either a gentle or powerful practice, depending on whatever is needed by the breather on the day. The breath is an incredible medicine, for the mind, body and spirit, and knows exactly what is needed in each moment.


The Dreamer's Breath is a Sacred Breath.......


Sessions are held in the safe container of a co-created confidential sacred space, where kindness to the self and present moment awareness are invited and deeply encouraged. 


When Conscious Connected Breathwork is practiced over a series of sessions, part of the healing process may be that unconscious memories and 'stuff' which has been stored in the body, can rise to the surface, in order to be acknowledged, released and subsequently integrated by the nervous system, weaving its way through the fabric of time and everyday life, as part of the wider healing process .


On a mental and emotional level, we may find that our dreams become stronger, as there can be a lot of emotional processing going on beneath the surface. This is when Dreamwork forms the perfect partner to Breathwork, as Breath helps to reset the nervous system, then dreamwork, helps to shed a little intuitive light on how the mind may be able to invite in a different way of seeing things. 




Dreamwork is a wonderful way of working, with what sits beneath the surface of everyday awareness. It is a creative, intuitive way of helping us to change our perspective on how we see things, by looking through the abstract lens of our dreams, we learn to dialogue with both the radiant golden self and  the darker shadowy self (our blindspots) through the non-judgemental realm of the dreamscape.


Dreamwork can  help us connect with the language of the soul,  tap into our intuitive creative consciousness, and enrich our lives with a fresh sense of purpose and deeper meaning.


In this series,  we will take inspiration from Dream Yoga. Shamanic Practice and other Indigenous Dreaming traditions, to help us remember who we truly are when we begin to work with the language of  'The Dreamer's Breath'


As we learn to come into right relationship with the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of the dreaming self, then so too, are we able to deepen our connection with community and the natural world as part of aligning with the best version of ourselves in the everyday ‘waking dream’ of life.


In these practices,  you will be asked to bring a written dream to work with.

You will learn to become the interpreter of your own dreams and recognize that you are 'The Sovereign Dreamer' of your own life's dream.



What you will need


A Written Dream - 


A Dream Journal and/or Sketch book or Notebook & Some Colours/ art materials (more info will be sent on booking) 




A Space for Breathing


Make sure the space is comfortable, (warm or cool, well ventilated, private space, with no one else around as it is our intention to co-create a safe container of confidential space.)

  1. 1. Headphones are advisable, particularly for the breathwork as we breathe to music, and it helps to shut out any external noise and journey inwards.

  2. A yoga mat or quilt on the floor is generally good, Or a comfortable chair, but make sure your spine and rib cage are free to move and breathe

  3. 2. A blanket for comfort if you need one

  4. 3. A water bottle

4. Something to cover your eyes either an eye mask or a scarf etc.​


Your 'Dreamer's Breath' Facilitator is Janie Orrell. Janie has over 28 years of  extensive experience within the field of the healing arts. She is an intuitive healer,  yoga teacher, and artist with a wealth of lived experience to bring to each session. Her intention is to co-create a safely held space for creative, intuitive exploration, and self inquiry. 



Accessing the Online Classes:


Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email 

which has information on how to prepare and  join the classes via Zoom. You will also be asked to read and agree to understanding the terms and conditions of the health waiver & contra-indications as part of the registration process - you can also read more about this here, if you want to read through it before making the commitment to booking.


Due to the nature and structure of this work and the way the classes are held, the sessions will not be recorded, in order to encourage a sense of presence and commitment to the six week  deep dive process. 


This online class series includes small group work so we ask that you connect with your own device if multiple people from your household are participating. 

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