Online Monthly
Conscious Connected
Breathwork Sessions
Why not make yourself a cosy nest and try a Conscious Connected Breathwork Session online, from the comfort of your own home, This way the only place you will have to travel to afterwards in either bed or the sofa! You get to create your own breathing space in your own unique way. You can arrive wherever you are, however you are..... and just breathe yourself home....
Journey to the Inner World.....
Conscious Connected Breathwork is a great way to connect to your to your inner world. So many moments in our everyday lives are spent focusing on what is external, we focus on our work, our families, our friendships and relationships etc, a lot of our time is spent in 'doingness'. But, how often do we truly make a conscious effort to just be ourselves without expectation, guilt or resistance etc. Breathing consciously can bring with it so many benefits, which can help to heal and rebalance our lives, sometimes in ways we can never imagine