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Sunday 10th May 2020 - Calm at Church Farm, Thurstaston Wirral.


Healing Arts and Voice workshop 


Heartsounds is a healing arts and  voice workshop, where together we will explore and unlock the potential of the heart's true voice, as we co-create a sacred sound space for the embodiment of self-healing, creative-expression, spiritual connection, through movement, meditation, mantra and heartsong alongside some spontaneous creative fun. 

We will work with a combination of movement,  voice work  mantra, heart song, mantra and shamanic drum and voice practices to create an integrated space for healing arts and creative reflection practices, which will help us move through the stresses and strains of everyday life and learn to journey towards the sacred 'inner space' that often becomes neglected due to the demands of daily life. It is a safe space for deep relaxation and letting go.

Whether you are a chanting novice, a seasoned yogi or a vocal artist, working with sacred sound can help to bring a heightened sense of awareness to the many different ways in which to communicate with the cosmos, ourselves, other living beings and the dreaming experience.

The voice work will include the chanting of Sanskrit Mantra & other healing sounds  and heartsongs from different spiritual traditions.

The Shamanic Drum Journey will give you the space to explore your own sense of inner vision and learn to trust the powerful nature of metaphor within your own life, which can often provide some creative insight into things we can't always process by thought alone. Shamanic journeying can help us connect with a deeper insight into how we may need to move through the  deeper changes within our lives, which are often just sitting beneath the surface of 'the business of the everyday' just waiting to be heard, held and nurtured.


Jane holds a deeply nurturing, non-judgemental space, for the creative play, deep healing, and joyful adventure. 

What to Bring:
a blanket for Journey & relaxation
a cushion if you need one
a scarf or eye mask (if you wish to cover your eyes during relaxation)
a bottle of water to stay hydrated
a journal / or paper and a pen for reflection
slippers or warm socks for your own comfort
veggie snacks to share for lunch

Calm at Church Farm is a really beautiful timber structured yoga space with a woodburning stove and welcoming atmosphere, set in the grounds of Church Farm in Thurstaston on the Wirral. Calm is situated over to the left when you go through the gate at the end of the car park, just past the goats.

Janie Orrell on FB Messenger
or call/text 07722527733 to book your place

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